Meet the Team

We are a multidisciplinary team of strategic project managers, service designers, researchers, strategists, sociologists, architects, environmentalists, engineers, designers, writers, and creators.

Aisling Ahern
MArch; BSc Architecture
As a trained architect, Aisling has extensive experience in capital development and project management. Aisling's core expertise lies in the early-stage planning and design of large scale capital projects across a variety of sectors.
Aisling Ahern
Angel Cassin
Senior Project Manager and Researcher
MSc Health Service Management, BSc Health & Society
Angel draws on her experience from undertaking health-related research while working on healthcare improvement. She has an interest in the effect of the physical and social environment on health outcomes, adding holistic content to projects.
Angel Cassin
Antonia Shields
Senior Project Manager
Masters in Applied Research, Bachelor of Business Studies
Antonia is a skilled project manager, qualitative researcher and communications professional. She has comprehensive experience across a wide range of organisations and sectors with a particular focus on the public sector and environmental sectors.
Antonia Shields
Aifric O’Leary Deane
Project Manager / Researcher
MSc Urban Studies; BA European Studies
With experience working in heritage, a background in cultural studies and a fascination with the complex dynamics of the built environment, Aifric has a special interest in urban sustainability and public participation in planning to create more liveable, inclusive, and healthy cities and societies.
Aifric O’Leary Deane
Bernardine Carroll
Senior Project Manager/Public Engagement
BA Sculpture and Combined Media, MA Art in Public, MSc Equality Studies
Bernardine has spent the last 15 years working in the cultural and non-profit sector. She is a specialist in placemaking, socially engaged practice and community engagement, and developing creative processes that create space for more voices at the table.
Bernardine Carroll
Caoimhín Corrigan
Master of Public Policy (Urban & Regional), HDip Arts Admin, BA Economics & German, Cert Management Development
Caoimhín has led major capital projects and development programmes in urban regeneration, cultural and creative industries and tourism in Ireland, UK and the Middle East, with considerable success in aligning agendas for investment delivery.
Caoimhín Corrigan
Ciara Greene
Associate Director
BA Sociology and the History of Art and Architecture
Ciara works across healthcare settings managing complex projects, from strategic planning to fostering effective stakeholder relationships and developing pragmatic solutions. She has lead evidence-based policy development and contract negotiations.
Ciara Greene
Claire-Louise Vickery
Graphic Designer
BA Visual Communication Design
Claire-Louise creates strong narratives using vibrant design and illustrations. She has a human-centred approach to design problems and aims to effectively communicate key messages using a concept-driven approach.
Claire-Louise Vickery
Colleen Savage
MDev. Sustainable International Development Studies, BA Economics, Advanced Diploma in Coaching and Neuroscience
Colleen brings 20 years’ experience as a strategic consultant, combining a deep understanding of data with a strong stakeholder intelligence, to deliver impactful change for both public and private sectors clients.
Colleen Savage
Conor Diggin
Digital Designer and Videographer
BA Creative Digital Media
Conor is a skilled visual content creator and storyteller. He works as part of the M-CO Creative Team by using his skills in video, photography and graphic design to help clients to tell their stories and achieve their goals.
Conor Diggin
Chris O’Keeffe
Associate Director
Pg.Dip Project Management, Pg.Dip Architectural Practice, BArch
An award-winning architect and project manager, Christopher has extensive experience managing projects across a wide variety of sectors. He has particular expertise in the management of large, complex client bodies and stakeholder groups, and has developed a special interest in collaborative design processes.
Chris O’Keeffe
Dara Carroll
Associate Director
MSc Sustainable Development, BA Earth Science, Dip. Horticulture
Dara has extensive experience in project management and stakeholder engagement in healthcare, the environment, and the arts, and in working with user groups in collaborative planning, sustainable energy and infrastructural projects.
Dara Carroll
Della O’Donoghue
Managing Director
MA Medieval History, BA English & History
Della is responsible for the strong, people-centred culture of excellence in M-CO. She directs complex programmes across Health, Government and Public Sectors, with rigorous attention to detail in management and delivery.
Della O’Donoghue
Ella Elliott
Project Manager and Researcher
MA Design for Change, BA Marketing
With expertise in service and social design, Ella also has experience planning international conferences across various industries. She is passionate about public policy implementation strategy and healthcare system development.
Ella Elliott
Emma O’Mahony
Senior Project Manager
Bachelor of Business Studies
With a background in Funds Administration and Treasury, Emma works closely with clients to design and administer community benefit funds. Her strong values for community and transparency ensure efficient dispersal of funds for our clients.
Emma O’Mahony
Eva Sunderland
Creative Director
BA Visual Communications, Diploma in UX Design
Eva creates people-centred strategic communication outputs, focusing on design thinking processes to investigate and define communication challenges and leads the team in strategic design outputs for client projects.
Eva Sunderland
Fiach O’Neill
Associate Director
MA Creative Media, H.Dip Digital Communications, BSc Digital Technologies, Design & Innovation
Fiach works as the Design Lead for Film focusing his digital design and production skills on web design, graphic design, photography and videography to tell the story of user experiences for M-CO and our client projects.
Fiach O’Neill
Helen Fahy
Senior Project Manager
PgCert Public Relations & Publicity Skills, PgCert Innovation, Creativity & Entrepreneurship, BA Communications Studies
Helen is a skilled project manager and communications professional with over 25 years’ experience in the media, communications, and arts sectors and more recently in the healthcare and environment sectors.
Helen Fahy
Joanna Mulkeen
Associate Director
BA Business Studies
Joanna is an experienced sustainability consultant with a passion for sustainability communications. She has a proven track record in building successful stakeholder engagement campaigns, empowering public and private organisations to affect positive changes in sustainability.
Joanna Mulkeen
Joe Moreau
FCA Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants
Director of M-CO Board, Joe (BMC Chartered Accountants) has experience in finance, business planning and structuring complex public-private finance initiatives. Joe has served as a Board Member and has extensive experience of corporate governance.
Joe Moreau
Judy Cardiff
Director of Finance
Accounting Technician, Sage Advanced Accounting, Business Maths and Bookkeeping
Judy delivers excellence in financial control in financial management and accounting for clients and M-CO projects.
Judy Cardiff
Kate Cunningham
Senior Project Manager
MLitt Managing in the Creative Industries, BA Politics, Philosophy, Economics & Sociology
Kate has over 8 years' experience working in the arts and cultural sector, as well as with corporate clients. Experienced in development, communications, and stakeholder management, she brings a multi-faceted approach to projects.
Kate Cunningham
Laoise Quinn
Senior Project Manager/Architect
BScArch, March
After a decade working in architecture and design across an extensive range of project typologies, scales and sectors, Laoise leads with detailed analysis, aesthetic sensitivity and an enthusiastic interest in social collaboration, placemaking and community-building.
Laoise Quinn
Liam Furlong
Associate Director
BA Visual Communications
Liam has 25 years experience in graphic design at senior level and specialises in print, exhibition and applied graphics. He has worked with both public and private sector clients in Ireland and the UK.
Liam Furlong
Marie Gordon
Project Manager
MSc Climate Change Policy, Media & Society, BA Illustration
With a wide range of experience across creative to healthcare programmes, and a particular interest in community development and innovative climate action, Marie has a purposeful and adaptive approach to project management.
Marie Gordon
Marion Weymes
MSc Sustainable Development, PgDip Digital Marketing, BA Earth Science
Marion is an experienced researcher, particularly in the area of urban sustainability. She explores how we can empower and support people to live sustainable, resource efficient lifestyles through systems and behaviour changes.
Marion Weymes
Richie Jermyn
Senior Project Manager
MSc Management, BSc Agri-Environmental Science
Richie is experienced in project management, business analysis, strategic planning and scientific research. He’s keen to discover and develop innovative solutions to address issues in sustainability, natural resource management, and biodiversity.
Richie Jermyn
Rosaleen Quinlan
Associate Director
Solicitor, Law Society of Ireland, Diploma Employment law, BA (English & French)
After ten years in marketing roles, Rosaleen qualified as a solicitor focusing on workplace claims investigation, often in healthcare settings. She now uses legal, analytical and communications skills to drive effective project strategies.
Rosaleen Quinlan
Dr. Ruth Doyle
PhD, Human Geography; BA (Mod), Geography
Ruth combines specialist knowledge in sustainable development and behaviour change with practical skills in co-design, qualitative research and creative communications, for the development of new infrastructure, policy and change programmes.
Dr. Ruth Doyle
Sarah McKendry
Senior Project Manager
BArch, Bsc.Architecture, RIBA, RIAI
Sarah is an architect who specialised in conservation and large public projects. Her experience across a variety of sectors including heritage, culture and healthcare informs a client focused approach to project management and service design.
Sarah McKendry
Shruti Nair
Project Manager
MA Cultural Policy and Arts Management, Bachelor of Mass Media
Having previously worked in the arts and culture sector in India and Ireland, Shruti brings her journalistic background and arts marketing experience to M-CO. She now uses her skills in project management, communications and editing, with strong storytelling abilities to handle multi-stakeholder projects.
Shruti Nair
Dr. Simon O’Rafferty
PhD Sustainable Design Policy, MSc Sustainable Development, BDes Industrial Design
Simon is a strategic service designer with a focus on co-creation, sustainability, behavioural change, public service and policy innovation. He works with local and national governments, NGOs, community groups and multinational companies.
Dr. Simon O’Rafferty
Sophie Demoule
Associate Director and Operations Director
Dip. International Trade & International Marketing
Sophie joins M-CO in the new role of Operations Director. With experience in international trade and marketing, Sophie manages HR and Operations. She creates internal systems to support the growing M-CO team and enhance our vibrant learning culture.
Sophie Demoule
Tom Lordan
Project Manager
MA Aesthetics & Art Theory, MPhil in Philosophy, BA Film & German
Tom is proficient in project management and logistical organisation. His background is in the not-for-profit sector, working to improve educational accessibility and standards in healthcare. He is also an art writer for various publications.
Tom Lordan